Sunday, February 5, 2012

Adversity feeds you Destiny!

It is good for me that I have been afflicted,that I might learn Thy statues(Ps.119-71)Spiritually,there is a bloody trail that follows a broken heart.Ultimately,that is what leads us to the richness of God's purpose for our life.Often, we will hear that knock on our door.It's the knock of our old friend Judas,who feels like kissing us with those cold callous lips of betrayal, he's to ignorant to know that its his visit that ushers us into the will of God.The kiss of betrayal can be the sweetest kiss for destiny's empowerment, it awakens an awareness in us that let's us know that our spiritual babies is still alive in us even though we haven't felt it kick in 6months(See Luke 1-41) If you have been betrayed by someone you brought to close to you forgive them...They really were a blessing.
I cannot not promise you that everyone that sits at your table will be loyal, because on one side will be Judas on the other will be John.This causes you to in operate in the spirit of discernment,where even though you know each one's assignment, identity and agenda! you will not treat them no differently, because one is an openly loving friend and the other is a friend in disguise. Be Bless!

Agape, Pastor G

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